Today is the official launch day of Nadine Brandes’ Christian dystopian novel A Time To Die. In celebration, I present my review of the book below.
A Time to Die by Nadine Brandes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
How would you live your life if you had a clock that told you exactly when you would die? This is the question posed by the book A Time to Die by Nadine Brandes. Parvin Blackwater has just entered her final year on Earth. At only 17 years of age she is preparing for the end. She handles it better than most of us would as she’d been preparing for it all her life.
Nadine Brandes has created a fascinating world that is ruled by the clock. Everybody has one. Those who destroy their clocks are considered radicals and cast to the other side of the great wall to die, but what actually lies on the other side of that wall?
When Parvin is unjustly thrown to the other side, she finds herself on a pilgrimage – a quest to find meaning in her last days on earth.
You might think that knowing exactly when the protagonist is going to die would rob the book of suspense. On the contrary, we feel Parvin’s growing desperation as the seconds tick away. That said, the author introduces an interesting twist that adds uncertainty into the equation. This aspect is handled very well and adds a sense of mystery to the tale.
Parvin is joined by various companions as her story progresses. Each brings something unique to her experience. Along the way Parvin wrestles with her Christian faith. Her journey is as much spiritual as it is physical.
I was impressed with the various different cultures that the author created. They are detailed and believable. I was fascinated and chilled by the albino culture.
A lot of mysteries are introduced during the course of the book. Some of them are resolved but many remain for the two planned sequels. The end of the book brings resolution but at the same time opens a gut-wrenching wound that will leave you hanging out for book two.
This book evoked powerful emotions in me. You know an author has done their job when you find yourself angry at fictional characters, and protective of others.
If you want a unique dystopian that goes beyond the clichés and creates a fascinating world populated by flesh and blood characters then you need to read A Time to Die by Nadine Brandes. This is not just a book that entertains. This is a book that forces you to think about your life and perhaps even make some changes.
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