Stargate Universe Podcast “Light”
Stargate Universe Podcast “Darkness” Detailed Analysis & Review
Stargate Universe Podcast “Air Part 3” Detailed Analysis & Review
Stargate Universe Podcast “Air Parts 1 & 2” Detailed Analysis & Review
New Book – The Christmas Star Disaster
The State of Star Trek – Interview with Christian Geek Central
Star Trek Discovery “That Hope is You Part 1” – Detailed Analysis and Review
Star Trek Discovery – Looking Back on Season 1 and Season 2
Star Trek Discovery Season 3 is about to launch, and I’ll be covering it from the next episode, but before we get there, I wanted to look back quickly on the first two seasons and share some thoughts. I talk about what worked for me, and what I perceived as…
Shazam! Retrospective Movie Review& Analysis
Shazam! is the last of the DC Extended Universe movies that I’ll be looking at in the current batch. If you’ve been following this podcast, you’ll know I tend to prefer the serious movies. Man of Steel, Batman V Superman etc. So you might be suprised to learn that I…