Storming: A Dieselpunk Adventure by K.M. Weiland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Hitch is an out-of-money pilot, putting on air shows, trying to make ends meet and get a place in a famous air-circus. Unfortunately, this quest has brought him back to his home-town, where many people, his closest family among them, are not likely to be happy to see him. If that wasn’t enough, strange people are falling out of the sky. They have their own language and culture, and refer to the townspeople as “groundsmen”. Where do they come from and what danger do they present?
Storming by K.M. Weiland mixes speculative deiselpunk concepts with ordinary relatable conflicts such as money struggles and family tensions. I’ve always found this a very effective combination. The mystery surrounding the sky people is what draws us into the book, but it is often the down-to-earth conflicts that keep us turning the pages. There are a lot of small-town dramas here. At the centre of it all is a corrupt sheriff who has our hero well and truly wrapped around his finger.
Hitch is a likable protagonist. We sympathise with his struggles and feel the offense of his unjust treatment. He is brave and adventurous. He is however, far from perfect. He’s made a big mess of things in his personal life and this story puts him into a situation where he can no longer run away from it all. Watching his character arc unfold was a treat.
Jael, the sky woman, draws us right in. She is daring, mysterious and beautiful. It was a lot of fun seeing her grow over the course of the story. In little things, like learning to speak English and communicate better with the other characters, finding her place and fitting in. Her goals in the book are more selfless than most. Her greatest desire is to help her people – whether they deserve it or not – and protect the town from the coming danger that nobody else seems to understand.
There are two main villains in this book – one connected with the town and the other connected with the sky people. If Hitch and Jael are going to come through this, see justice done and protect the ones they love, they will have to defeat both.
I recommend Storming to those who enjoy a rollicking fun adventure with lots of inter-character drama.
Get Storming by K.M. Weiland on Amazon.
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